Unfortunately, many VRCs said they would get a "preponderance of medical” usually through another IME. Others mentioned they would simply ask the claims manager (who of has little or no medical training) which medical information to use. Another VRC suggested obtaining an IME first, then meeting with the attending physician to convince him or her to concur with the IME report. Only a few seem to follow the legal mandate that special consideration be given to the attending physician.
The VRC also spoke about a situation where a VRC was directed by the Department not to submit a report, in the injured worker’s favor, because the Department did not want it in the file. Rather than accept the VRC's opinion, the Department told her to close vocational services as “VRC no longer available” even though she was certainly available. Sad, but not surprising. The Director of the Department spoke at the conference. It will be interesting to see if she looks into this problem.
Dane D. Ostrander, Attorney at Law
Williams, Wyckoff & Ostrander, PLLC